Monday, 4 September 2017

Learning About Email Etiquette

I learnt about five new useful tools
1. Use a salutation
2. Include a specific subject line
3. Keep it to-the-point
4. Be professional
5. Sign and proofread

I emailed Miss crous and I used all 5 of these steps. It was really easy to understand the concept of this project. Which made it even funner for me! It was the funnest IT project I have ever done!
I'm now going to explain the 5 points
1.) Use a salutation: Say for example, Good morning mrs whoever or good afternoon Mrs Whoever or Dear Mrs Whoever
2.) Include a specific subject line: Say what you are going to talk about E.G I just wanted to ask about the homework
3.) keep it to-the-point: Don't write a super long sentence instead just write a nice and easy sentence that is also easy to read E.g Why do we have to draw it instead of painting it. E.g on what NOT to do: Why do we have to draw and write and and and and why do we not just use paint brushes?
4.) Be professional: Don't write in slang and write with random capital letters in the middle of a word E.g Hello Mrs Kent you are a great teacher. What NOT to do E.g heLlo Mrs kENt yOu Are a grEaT tEacHEr!
5.)Sign and proofread: say goodbye and check for spelling mistakes E.g  Salyoutations Teo